Friday, December 16, 2016

Video Production Final

This semester I really enjoyed two of the videos we made. I found that in making the two feature stories, the aspect of being able to pick the topic I made them over really made the project more enticing to me. being able to shoot topics I had a connection to made the work easier and I feel improved my work. In the first feature story I made it over my friends Aidan Hurley and Mark Paikowski and their work for the swim team. The second one I made over my brother Carson and his golf career. Both took me a couple days to film and put together, and I ended up pleased with the end result. In the time I was shooting I learning how to get the best possible angles for a higher quality of video, and how to properly put an interview in to a feature story.

Class Time
Throughout all of the time I have invested into e-comm I feel that a good majority of that time went towards making my work better, and into improving myself as a video student. Many hours outside of school were needed in order to get all of the shots I needed for video and I believe that the time I took out of school positively reflected on to my work.

Part of my strengths as a video student are that I always get my work done on time, and I always put full effort into all my videos. Another strength of mine is I always put my  full effort into bringing positivity and respectfulness to the classroom, and helped whenever I could.

Areas for Improvement
There's always room for improvement and when it comes to the videos I produce the quality of work can always be improved, and I am looking to further learn all of the technology aspects of video production.

Semester Summary
The highlight of this semester for me is to see how my videos have improved and how my knowledge in video has heightened tremendously. If I could to one thing differently it would be to have more of a set plan before going to shoot videos so that the videos are always at the highest quality they can be at. The biggest thing I can take away from this semester is that the effort put into a video directly reflects onto the quality of the work. The goal I would like to set for myself next semester is to continue growing in my ability of the technological aspect of creating videos.

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