Tuesday, May 23, 2017

2nd Semester Final Exam


Throughout second semester I had the opportunity to work on three videos:

Music Video

For the first project of the semester I got to work on making a music video to a song. This project took a couple of weeks and was a very successful effort when we looked at our final product. difficulties came up while we had to deal with scheduling and finding time to complete putting our video together. Along the way I learned to just go with the flow and all will turn out okay as it did with the project. We were advised to fix some of the jump cuts in the video so we went back and smoothed it out and it turned out really well.

High School Trailer

The second project of the semester was a replication of a high school trailer which I did not enjoy as much. This project went over the span of about 2 weeks and in this one I was put in to a group that did not fit well together and ended up never completing an actual trailer due to group members not showing up for shoots and being preoccupied by other projects that didn't pertain to this class. This however did teach me that when you are put in to a dysfunctional group,  sometimes the best thing to do is to take a leadership position to be the only way to get projects done.

Short Film

For the final project of the year we got to actually take part in creating a short film with other group members. after we picked who's script to do we began pre production, by creating storyboards and assigning roles inside of our group. Then once all of our preproduction was completed we went into filming which took several hours, and then once that was done post production editing began and and these accumulated to almost 2 months of work towards one project. My groups effort really paid off when we were left with a sensational piece that almost mirrored our groups original ideas for what we wanted this video to look like.

In-Class Time

I always utilized my class time to insure that my work could be the best I could produce. No matter what was going on in the class if I needed to finish up editing or working on a film I would put my head down and keep grinding on it until I was complete with what I was assigned. If I did finish early I would ask for input from classmates and try to have as successful of work as I could.


My strengths as a video producer and student include always including my personal toucan to an assignment to insure my input is always included in a group effort. I also never give up if an assignment is difficult or if the project is really challenging.

Areas For Improvement

An area of weakness for me is just my understanding of all the technology from the different programs that are used for creating a video. Even though I may not be the best in this area I still put my full effort forward to try and learn all the ends and outs of the different programs, and even though I still have a long ways to go I feel as though I have made great progress in this area and look forward to getting even better and advancing these skills.


All in all this semester has been a very successful one I expanded my knowledge in areas that I was lacking in and grew even stronger on strengths I already had. Though there were some times were I struggled with learning new things or with groups I was in it all eventually made me a stronger and better person and I have 6th hour Video Production to thank for it. Next year I hope to get even better at skills I've gained this year and will get to pursue a class I am very interested in.

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