Tuesday, October 13, 2015

They Loved Your GPA, then they saw your Tweets

The article "They Loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets" by Natasha Singer, is about how what you post on social media sights such as twitter can hurt your chances to get into a college.

What surprised me about the article was how many colleges do go to your social media accounts and see what you have posted, and to see if you're the kind of person they want attending their school. Another thing that caught me by surprise was how seriously colleges take this and let it fluctuate their decision on wether they will accept or decline an applicant.

One thing I questioned was who has the say on what students do not get in to college specifically based on their social media.

This article changed the way I will post on social media, and made me more conscious of what I will be posting on my social media accounts.

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